Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Planting Season Starts

With all the preparations on row, let the planting begin. 

The first that got into land was Lettuce Rapid. They were growing at "rapid" pace so they got the first taste of freshly-tilled land. 

Meme and I decided to see how it would work so each of us took care of one row and we'll see whose lettuce would grow better. It's a silly thing to compare, but maybe that's just being "accountable" on who has a greener thumb, ha!

The cucumbers were racing up with the rapids. They went up to a good four inches until we decided that it's time to move to bigger ground.

They got to stay on this short plot and covered with banana trunk peel so ensure shade in the noonday sun. A day after, I saw how Mang Eddie had done away with the triangle caps and given them a trellis to climb on. Sweet! Well, they may not be needing it yet, but, at least it's there awaiting the cucumbers' climb.

The third one that got to kiss the soil is the tomato, beside the cucumbers. The last time Juli and Jessa planted tomatoes, they grew tall but their fruits were wilted and infested. It's hard to tell their fate at this moment, but as in anything in life, "only God can make it grow".

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